
Research Interest: Fixed Income Securities; ESG

Papers Under Review
  • Actions Speak Louder Than Words: The Valuation of Green Commitment in the Corporate Bond Market (with Peter Pope and Yang Wang), Journal of Accounting Research, revise & resubmit
    Green bond issuance decreases the yield spreads of outstanding conventional bonds. This is at odds with the traditional theory where new issuance of debt would raise the issuer’s leverage and dilute the existing bondholders’ liquidation claim, but is consistent with green bonds being a commitment device and conventional bonds becoming “greener”.

  • The China Trade Shock and the ESG Performances of US Firms (with Yue Wu), submitted
    Import competition from China improves the ESG performance of US local companies. The improvement is not driven by the change in production process, e.g., the shift to technology-intensive sectors, but is consistent with the differentiation effort by US producers. The improvement in ESG performance has real consequences.

Recent Working Papers
  • Local Preference for Bonds with Longer Maturity (with Peter Pope and Yang Wang), last updated: Nov 2022
    Consistent with long-dated bonds being more information sensitive, insurance companies, one of the largest corporate bond investors, are more likely to hold long-term bonds from local issuers. As a result, their local bond holdings tend to have longer maturities.

theory papers before 2020